The Scrovegni Chapel, which is dedicated to St. Mary of the Charity, was frescoed between 1303 and 1305 by Giotto, upon the commission of Enrico degli Scrovegni. It is one of the most important masterpieces of Western art. The frescoes, which narrate events in the lives of the Virgin Mary and Christ, cover the entire walls. On the wall opposite the altar there is the grandiose Universal Judgement, which concludes the story of human salvation. The chapel was originally attached to the Scrovegni family palace, built after 1300, following the elliptical outline of the remains of the Roman arena. The Chapel was acquired by the City of Padova in1880, and the vulnerable frescoes were subjected to several specialized restoration operations during the 19th and 20th centuries. From the 1970s until today, thanks to close collaboration between the city administration, cultural heritage authorities and the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro, the state of the building, the quality of the air in it, the polluting factors, and the state of conservation of the frescoes themselves have all been subjected to careful study and monitoring. The addition of the new access building, with its special air-conditioned waiting-room, enables even large influxes of visitors to enter the Chapel and admire Giotto's masterpiece without further jeopardizing its fragile condition in any way. The latest checks, which show that the condition of the frescoes is now stable, have led to them to further restoration - delicate operations undertaken by the Istituto Centrale per il Restauro - thanks to an agreement between the City of Padova and the Italian Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali.


ONE Ticket / Urbs Picta Card will be available in three versions. For tourists, the Single Ticket / Urbs Picta Card will be valid for 48 or 72 hours (on sale at 28 and 35 euros respectively) and includes the use of public transport in the price. For residents of the Province of Padua is available a Single Ticket / Urbs Picta Card valid for 6 months (cost 25 euros).


We kindly inform you that from 12.00 o' clock, on May 30th it will be possible to book day-time tickets (9.00am + 6.45pm) until November 3th, 2024.

Sales for evening tickets (7.00pm - 9.20pm) are going to open on Thursday, June 6 at noon.

Since 1 July the update of the entrance fees to the Civic Museums has come into force on the basis of the resolution of the municipal council n ° 2023/0055 of 21/02/2023.



Please note that it is not possible to make reservations for the same day. Tickets must be collected well in advance: it is advisable for groups in particular to arrive at the ticket office at least 45 minutes before the time of the visit. Not before 8.30 a.m. for those with a 9.00 a.m. entrance..


Contact Center: +39 049 20 100 20 (operating Monday to Friday from 9 am to 7 pm, on Saturdays from 9 am to 6 pm, closed on Sundays and holidays).
Pre-booking is required. Reservations can be made up to the day before the visit if you choose to pay by credit card.

Padova Urbs Picta

Giotto, la Cappella degli Scrovegni e i cicli pittorici del Trecento. Per l'iscrizione nella Lista del Patrimonio Mondiale UNESCO.

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